Elicia blue diamond unicorn

Elicia blue diamond unicorn

Sale price27,90 €

Elicia leggingseissä on ihana yksisarviskuosi.
Pehmeää ja laadukasta luomupuuvillaa, johon on lisätty elastaania.

In stock

Elicia leggingseissä on ihana yksisarviskuosi.
Pehmeää ja laadukasta luomupuuvillaa, johon on lisätty elastaania.

Koot 92-158cm, , 95% Luomupuuvilla 5% Elastaani Öko Tex
Shipping worldwide 15€ Safe payments Designed in Finland
Shipping worldwide 15€ Safe payments Designed in Finland

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About us

POP&Co Helsinki was created in 2018 by a mother who wanted to make a collection with focus on good quality and lovely, colourful prints.

Our designer and founder Petra Kiuru has lived and worked all her life with kids fashion and as a child she used to follow her mother to work, play with buttons and yarns and sleep between fabric rolls at the family’s small factory in Finland.